Recommendations To Update And Improve Your Roof's Energy Efficiency

The roof of your home needs a protective barrier of shingles to keep out moisture and also excessive heat from the sun's rays, therefore it is important to keep it maintained and in good condition. Your roofing shingles, insulation, and ventilation are essential in this maintenance with the help of a professional roofer. Here are some options you can use to update and improve your roof to make it more energy-efficient.

Replace the Shingles

When it comes time to replace your roofing shingles, it is always recommended to remove the old layer of shingles first before you install the new roofing shingles. By removing the old layer of shingles you reduce the weight amount your roof has to support and it allows your roofing professional to check your roof's decking and trusses for signs of damage that will need repairs. And with a new single layer of shingles, your roof is not going to trap in as much heat and cause problems with your home's interior comfort.

Look to choose a new shingle that is lighter in color, which will reflect the sun's radiation from off your roof and your home. Doing so will reduce the temperature increase inside your attic and home, reducing your overall cooling bill in the summer. You can also look for shingles that are coated in a reflective finish before they are installed or after their installation, which helps reflect sunlight and heat from your home.

You can also look at a metal roofing replacement for your home. Metal roofs are very energy efficient as they reflect the sun's rays from your home and also last much longer than shingles. A metal roof is lightweight and also fireproof on your home as an added benefit.

Update Your Attic Space

Another area you should consider in the process to keep your home more energy efficient is in your home's attic space. Within the attic space is the air that can either increase or decrease in temperature depending on how the ventilation and insulation are maintained and kept up.

For example, if your attic space has an inefficient layer of insulation, it is going to allow the temperature in your attic to heat up excessively, resulting in energy loss in your home. Without the right amount of roof ventilation aiding the airflow through your roof can also cause problems in your home efficiency.

Your attic space needs to be able to have proper airflow to keep the space at a balanced temperature in summer and winter. In winter this promotes a cool roof to stop the formation of ice dams, and in summer to prevent excessive heat from invading your home. Your roofing contractor can evaluate your home's roof insulation and vent status and add to it where it is needed. 
